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The hobbit-hole in question belongs to one Bilbo Baggins, an upstanding member of a "little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded dwarves" He is, like most of his kind, well ofанщдаf, well fed, and best pleased when sitting by his own fire with a pipe, a glass of good beer, and a meal to look forward to Certainly this particular hobbit is the last person one would expect to see set off on a hazardous journey; indeed, when Gandalf the Grey stops аяюсшby one morning, "looking for someone to share in an adventure," Baggins fervently wishes the wizard elsewhere No such luck, however; soon 13 fortune-seeking dwarves have arrived on the hobbit's doorstep in search of a burglar, and before he can even grab his hat or an umbrella, Bilbo Baggins is swept out his door and into a dangerous adventure Collectors edition Подарочное издание в футляре с золотым тиснением, сопровожденное иллюстрациями автора, не оставит равнодушнымибмюфщ поклонников знаменитого писателя Автор Джон Толкиен (автор, художник) John Ronald Ruel Tolkien Родился 3 января 1892 года в Блумфонтейне (Южная Африка) в семье переселенцев из Германии; отсюда - несколько необычное третье имя "Ройл" (а вовсе не Руэл, как повелось у нас с чьей-то легкой руки) Окончил Оксфордский университет Принимал участие в . |